Shipping & Delivery
Our priority is getting your order to you as quick as possible, without sacrificing quality and accuracy. As soon as you place your order, we send it to our warehouse for processing and shipping.
During checkout choose your preferred shipping option – we’ll provide an estimated delivery date based on your shipping selection, delivery address, and where the item(s) ship from.
Direct Signature Required
To ensure the safe delivery of your packages, we may require a signature at the time of delivery for larger orders or higher priced items. Once you place your order, we will let you know our estimated delivery date and if your signature will be required. Deliveries are made to the address on the mailing label, not to an individual recipient, so we will accept signature from anyone at the residential or business delivery address. Unfortunately, we will not accept signatures or requests for change of address on the delivery door tag, but if we miss you the first time, the carrier will attempt delivery two more times.
Additional Information
Shipping options may vary depending upon delivery address.
If you order multiple items, you may get multiple deliveries. You will receive a shipping confirmation email for each shipment, so you’ll know exactly what to expect and when to expect it.